Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Nail Biting and Chocolate

Today is the month mark for two disciplines that were added (or taken away - depending on how you look at it) to my life beginning on January nail biting and no chocolate. Silly things to some - I know. But for me - very monumental.

The whole no chocolate thing came out of my personal retreat that I had. Out of nowhere - God asked me to give up chocolate for a year. Obviously that isn't something that I would think of on my own! :) It isn't really about the chocolate - more about the discipline of it. It is a very practical way to be constantly reminded of the fact that I am overall trying to be more disciplined. It is working! One month down - only 11 to go! :)

If you know me at all you know that I bite my nails - always have. Well - this was my own deal. I haven't bitten my nails since Dec. 31st, 2006! They look fabulous - I love it! I am scratching myself all of the time - which will leave some scars. :) Couldn't play the guitar right now if I wanted to. My goal is to get them long and looking nice so I can get a French manicure. Very vain - I know. But FUN!!!

Just wanted to share some milestones! :)

Saturday, January 06, 2007

It's 2007 - Pay Attention!!!

I think that it is important to have a theme for the year. This is a new development in my thinking, mind you, but an important one nonetheless. So for the year 2007 in the world of Liz the theme is "Pay Attention!" And I was given a visual picture of this today that I would like to share.

I was out walking this afternoon in the balmy weather that has so unusually graced Minnesota this winter. We got a little bit of snow on New Years Eve that has, for the most part, melted. So roads and sidewalks are clear. I was walking along - not really paying any attention to where or what I was walking on - head up, eyes ahead - pretty mindless. Then all of a sudden I turned the corner and almost fell flat on my face. I had turned onto a sidewalk that doesn't get the direct sunlight on it - so it was all snow and ice. It was quite a stretch of sidewalk - and I had to keep my head down, eyes focused on where I was walking. I had to pay very close attention to each step I made otherwise I was going to fall. I eventually got off the sidewalk and went onto the road next to it so that I didn't have to stumble so much. But got to thinking...

This is how life is. For a lot of it, we can just mindlessly walk along - head up and eyes focused forward. I think sometimes it becomes almost like we are on autopilot. But then there are the times on the journey where the path gets a little trecherous and we have to pay a little more attention - if not extremely close attention - lest we fall. Sometimes there are choices to make - do I get off the unsure path and move over to the other path where I can walk steady?

For quite a long time now I have been on autopilot. I have been taking life as it has been thrown at me - not really paying close attention to where I am going - just trying to survive. But the tide is changing. I truly believe that I am at a crossroads where I could choose the path where I mindlessly go on walking to wherever that may lead me. OR I could choose the path that is a bit more unsure and has a lot more obsticles on it. For me, right now, the easy path is not really an option. I am too determined not to stay where I am at - which means that I need to walk somewhere else. So that leaves me facing the other direction - uncharted territory. There is a great visual of this in a Mary Engelbreit drawing - the picture is of a road sign at a crossroads that says "Your Life" pointing in one direction and "No Longer an Option" pointing in the other direction. I choose heading toward my life - leaving the other behind.

SO - what does all of this have to do with paying attention? The path that I have just ventured out on is one where I have to pay very close attention to the steps I am taking along the way. B/c if I don't - I am going to fall flat on my face and end up right back where I was. And I am not going to let that happen. So paying attention for me means that this will be a year of discipline and intentionality. From God's standpoint - Him pruning and refining me and me paying attention to how He is doing that in my life. From my standpoint - working on self-discipline in every area and paying attention to how I choose to live this life God has given to me. To make wise choices that lead me in the right direction - not choices based only on what I want. Intentionally involving God in my everyday life and letting Him lead and guide - and paying attention to what He is saying. Listening - and obeying.

It is going to be a hard year - but one of growth. I admit that I am a bit anxious about it. But more than anything I am excited! So here's to a new year with so many possibilities in it! Time to wake up and pay attention!!!

Monday, January 01, 2007

The Hermitage

This past weekend I went on a personal retreat. I went to this amazing place called Pacem in Terris (Peace on Earth). They have, I think, 16 one room cabins they call hermitages. They are all named after saints. And OF COURSE I was in the one named for St. Peter. I say of course b/c I am most like Peter in my own mind. So it wasn't much of a surprise to me. This is the picture of the St. Peter hermitage.

I was really excited going into my time there. But I was a little anxious b/c I know myself and I know how much I LOVE to be alone and quiet. (I know some of you are laughing!) Three nights and two full days of solitude seems a little daunting to me. By the end I was for sure ready to be at home and talk to another human being, but the time was priceless. I spent most of my time either sitting in this chair or out walking the beautiful paths they had in the woods. I came away from this time convinced of the importance of silence and solitude in the Christian walk. Giving yourself the space to really listen is so crucial - and I am sorry that I have missed it this long. My time with God was sweet and I look forward to doing it again. If you have never gone on a personal retreat - just you and God - I highly recommend it! When you get the chance to sit one on one with the One and Only personal God, with no one around to interrupt, it makes its mark. You can't walk away unchanged.