Monday, June 11, 2007

Unexpected Turbulence

This morning at the happy time of 6:15am my flight took off from Denver International Airport. After a wonderful weekend of many long, soul conversations with people that I deeply care about and who know me well, I was flying back to MN. It is always such a blessing to be in Denver. It is always hard to come back here.

At one point during the flight it got a little bumpy. The captain had just told us that "they" were saying that the ride would be smooth. But not 5 minutes later we are bouncing around. He came back on and said, "Ladies and gentleman, please take a seat and fasten your seat belts as we navigate through some unexpected turbulence."

That last phrase struck me. I decided that it describes what happens in life. We are going along, everything is fine, smooth. Then BAM! we are hit with unexpected turbulence. It comes in all shapes and sizes, but no matter who you are, it does come. And we have a choice when it hits. We can get all freaked out, panic and hyper-ventilate. Or we can take a seat, put our seat belts on and let God navigate through the turbulence.

How is that for super cheesy - LOVE IT! Some friends and I decided long ago that most Truth is cheesy. It just comes with the territory. So - cheese is aloud. :)

That is all I got. Just wanted to share my "ah ha" moment of the day with you.

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