Saturday, November 25, 2006


So, this Thanksgiving was the first time I have been home for the holiday in 6 far as I can figure. My mom's side of the family is really close. I grew up seeing them ALL of the time - every holiday - every birthday - for no real reason except for the fact that we like being around each other. I was reminded this week of how much I love and have missed my family.

Maybe if you walked into the middle of one of our get togethers you wouldn't think we are all that fun or funny. Most people pretty much think we are crazy. But that is what I love about my family. We laugh - man do we laugh. I can remember a time laughing so hard at the dinner table as my cousin and I put little confetti angels in the butter. Or when my Grandma would say things that would open herself up to be made fun of - and my uncle would jump right on that - and all, including my Grandma, would be in tears laughing so hard. Or how EVERY Christmas, whether I was there or on the phone, someone would retell the story of when I was born and they brought me home and put me under the Christmas tree in my little red dress. (I was born 8 days before Christmas) And we cry together - when my cousin died 7 years ago - and when my aunt had breast cancer last year. These memories don't sound like much to the outside world - but they mean everything to me. I didn't realize how much I missed it until I was in the middle of it again.

On Thursday, we had 16 people at our house. It was a miracle - all of the cousins were present. I am the oldest - the youngest being 23. I was amazed at how much we have grown up. We talked about how things are going in our lives - jobs, school, future plans, marriage, beginnings and endings of relationships - how weird it is to be home. We always play some silly game outside - this year we just hit the wiffle (sp?) ball around and laughed at each other. On Friday, we went bowling! It has been a tradition for a few years that I have missed out on. But they welcomed me right in - everytime I got a strike or a spare (which was like 4 times in 3 games - I suck at bowling!) they all stood and cheered and game me high fives!

I love my family. I have been away for so long. And knowing that a big chunk of the rest of my life may take place away from them makes my heart ache. B/c they are so much a part of who I am. At the end of the day, if nothing else - besides the Sunday school answer of "Jesus" - I have my family. I feel extremely blessed to have grown up with a family that loves each other deeply. That excepts each member for who they are - and supports them in whatever they do. I love it that we laugh and cry together. I love it that we play stupid games and go bowling! I am thankful for my wonderful family and who I am because of their place in my life! I am who I am today, in part, because of them. And I am thankful.

1 comment:

Claire said...

Miss Liz,
I am so glad you ar ehome with your family and that you can all be together! I am missing mine a lot these days! =( and i am missing you!