Tuesday, April 09, 2013


So I signed up to be an Advocate. What exactly does that mean? Well where better to look than the good ol' dictionary:

ad·vo·cate [v. ad-vuh-keyt; n. ad-vuh-kit, -keyt]
to speak or write in favor of; support or urge by argument;recommend publicly: He advocated higher salaries for teachers.
a person who speaks or writes in support or defense of aperson, cause, etc. (usually followed by of  ): an advocate of peace.
a person who pleads for or in behalf of another; intercessor.
a person who pleads the cause of another in a court of law.

This is who I am and what I am doing until May 1st. Myself and 24 others from my church are writing emails. We are posting on Facebook and Twitter. We are pleading for others to become Partners so that children around the world do not go hungry. We are urging people to Partner with us so that there will be a renewing of the mind when it comes to the way we see and eat food in America.

And we are interceding both in voice and through prayer. We are praying for people to raise up and be Partners. We are praying we get to eat every day. :) When we do eat, we are giving thanks for the one who provide that meal and for the children who get to share it with us. When we go without, we are praying for the children that go without as well.

Being an advocate is a big job. Honestly, I didn't realize all it would entail. It irritates me that I have to get on Facebook and email all of the time. I am annoyed when I realize that there is one more lunch or dinner that I have to either cancel or show up at with my tupperware of rice and beans. And ugh - when I come home to grab another container of my rice and beans mixture to take to class - just to realize that I forgot I didn't have any beans and I can't just grab something else to eat. Me. My time. What I want to do. Me. Me. ME!

Pretty, isn't it!? NO! So ugly! But I think that is part of why being an Advocate is so important. Yes, there are people around the world that don't have a voice so they need to be spoken for. That is obvious. Along with it, being an Advocate is giving up yourself on behalf of another. And giving up yourself takes knowing what is there to give up.

So today, Day 3 of 25, the Lord is once again reminding me that it isn't about me. It isn't about my time. It isn't about what I want to do. My selfishness needs to go. It is about Him. It is about the people around the world and in this country that He has asked me to join in the fight for. So a little wounded - I battle on!

We still need many more Partners to join with us to fight hunger and obesity around the world! $25 (which 100% goes to feed 100 school children) and a commitment to not eat fast food for 25 days. Will you join us? Go to 25inchange.org/advocate/liz-guille/ and sponsor today! Thank you!

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