Friday, April 26, 2013

Lessons from a Chocolate Chip Cookie

Its confession time. I ate a few chocolate chip cookies a few days ago. In a moment of blatant rebellion I ate them. I broke my commitment to eat only rice and beans with a cookie. Really??

The wave of guilt and shame have sufficiently washed over me. Thinking of all the people I let down: my team of Advocates, my Partners, the hungry children around the world, God, myself, etc. And all for the immediate gratification of a cookie. Wow.

So first, I ask for your forgiveness. I know some of you reading this are thinking, "Liz - its just a cookie! Move on with your life!" And yes - that is true. This was not a life altering choice in the sense that there is a negative domino affect. But I made a commitment, and I broke it. So for that I am truly sorry and ask your forgiveness. I am not going to stay stuck in guilt and shame and I have moved forward with a renewed commitment to finish my 25 days of rice and beans, covered by God's grace and yours.

As per usual, God has used this failing of mine to interject some life lessons:

  • I am a broken human being. Prone to wander! But God is bigger than my wanderings.
  • How often do I settle for immediate gratification of what is right in front of me or of what I want? When I do this, I miss out on the RICHES of all that God has for me.
  • When I am overwhelmed, lonely, fearful or sometimes even happy - I try and feed those emotions with things that don't satisfy. Only God can satisfy. I know this. I struggle with living it.
"You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You."
- Augustine of Hippo

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