The latest challenge that has been given to me is to write one blog a day for the next week. Which could be a little difficult since I am going up to "The Lake" (if you are from MN - you know what I mean! :)) this weekend. But you know - I am always up for a challenge! :)
I decided that the theme for my blogs will be "If the stuff hanging on Liz's walls could speak". (ITSHOLWCS) Isn't that catchy?! :)
Right above my light switch by my door there is a little wooden plaque that says my name on it: Elizabeth. Underneath it is the meaning: Consecrated to God. And underneath that is a verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:23 which says, "May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."
I have had this plaque for a long time. I remember having the "what does your name mean?" conversation with people - and I would always proudly state "consecrated to God!" Well - what does that mean? So being the scholar that I am - I looked it up in the dictionary. :) There are two definitions of "consecrate" that apply. 1) to make or declare sacred and 2) to devote solemnly to a purpose. I got to thinking - does this really describe me? Does the name that I have been given shape my life? Am I really consecrated to God? These are my thoughts...
By my own effort - no. But the verse following the one on my plaque says "The One who calls you is faithful and He will do it." (1 Thes. 5:24)
Jesus, on the cross, declared me sacred. He stepped into the middle of all of my crap, got involved, paid for all of my sin, redeemed me - which has placed value on something that had none. I have been declared sacred by Jesus - He did it.
Left to myself, I would never devote anything to one purpose - and not solemnly. But again, when I choose to stay tied to the Vine, listen to the Truth and obey what He commands...then I am working toward that one purpose. But only with Jesus taking every step of the journey with me. It is in acknowledging that I can't do any of this on my own that I find my devotion.
I am naturally inclined to want to do things on my own - or at least have control over them. I would be your typical first born child! :) But over the last year God has taken me on a whole new journey of learning that if I ever really want to be like Him - then I need to let Him do it. It has taken me a long time to acknowledge that I really can't change the yuk part of me without His help. I have tried to go it alone for so long, even thinking at times that I was letting God do His thing. It wasn't until this past year that I have learned, and am still learning everyday, that "letting go and letting God" is a choice and it is one that needs to be made on a daily - hourly - sometimes minute by minute basis. As He teaches me this act of surrender - He changes me.
1Thessalonians 5:23-24 has become my life passage - because yes - I believe that it is true. By God's grace HE is doing these things in me. And I find it rather splendid that my life has turned out to fit my name. Coincidence? I think not. Maybe our names mean more than we think!
1 comment:
my name means protector...I always thought that it meant I protect OTHERS...little did I know it would mean I protect MYSELF
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